Au pair visa requirements for Ireland
If you are looking to get childcare work in Ireland along with learning English and experience Irish culture, you are generally considered to be an ‘au pair’. If you are an au pair or a parent interested in hiring from outside the EU then here is all the information you need. If you are a citizen from outside the EU, before applying for an au pair job it is important to discover if you are eligible to work within Ireland. Visa requirements within countries change from time to time so it is worth researching your own countries
visa requirements with Ireland before you begin.
Hiring a Nanny or Au Pair from EU:
EU citizens enjoy the right to work move, and reside freely throughout the European Union including Iceland Norway and Lichtenstein.
Non EU:
A work -permit is needed for non-EU citizens to work legally in Ireland. It is usually issued for two years but can be extended. It can take up to 8 weeks for processing time. Each country has it’s own visa restrictions or programmes with Ireland. For example, citizens from Australia, Canada and South Korea can apply for working holiday schemes. Citizens from other countries should contact their nearest Irish embassy consulate for more information.
Au-Pairs from outside EU:
An au pair is a person between the ages of 18 -28 who are coming to a country specifically to learn English, and experience the local culture in return for room and board and babysitting duties of up to 20/25 hours per week.
Au pairs coming from other countries outside EU need to obtain a student visa to study English at an approved language school or they need to be enrolled in a full-time degree program in Ireland.
For more information on choosing an au pair, please see our guide.
Additional Parents Resources
(28-05-2016 22:50)
Hi, We currently have a Brazilian au pair. Her holiday visa is up end of june. She wants to stay on with us and we would really love her to stay as well. Can she get another holiday visa easily. Does she have to leave the country first? Any advice greatly appreciated. amanda.
james hereward
(07-12-2015 21:21)
Hi, looking for your assistance. I know someone from brazil who has been here in ireland for 3 year (approaching). They are at the point where they would need to be on a degree programme, should they be able to stay here on a student basis. They do not want to go down that path, due to lack of funds (10k per annum)
Instead, they are looking to see if there are other options They want to secure a work permit as an aupair.Subject to a family hiring her on this basis. Is this an option in terms of visa's? She is 27 yrs old at the moment, 28 in February. Her current visa is finished 1st February
I am available on &
Cheers, James
Catalina Casenas
(01-12-2016 21:28)
Hi! Im in Ireland now and Im holding stamp 3 visa. By any chance, can I apply as aupair so I can work legally in the said country? Im 27. Female. No dependents. Thanks.
(17/05/2017 09:58)
I have been offered a job as an Au Pair, what documents would I need? How do I apply?
(29/08/2017 12:02)
I've been in Ireland for almost three years on Stamp 2 visa from Venezuela. Can I apply to work as an aupair? I'm female, aged 32, with no dependents and I can prove sufficient savings. Thank you.
(13/12/2018 17:28)
Hi, iam looking to get a non EU au pair, and would love if they could sty. Maximum of a year, is that even possible? They dont want to study, as its expensive, any help you could give about this. Thanks
(28/04/2019 18:03)
As an aupair from Kenya going to Ireland what type of visa should I have,and what documents should I have
(21/07/2022 17:45)
Hi. I’m from another country and how do I make myself register with Au Pair if I’m already in Ireland?
(20/08/2022 16:56)
As an aupair from Kenya going to lreland ,what type of visa should have and what documents should I have?
(09/11/2023 15:43)
Am from Kenya i found host family in Ireland, what type of visa and documents do I need in embassy for visa processing